Mini Goldendoodle Breed

Mini Goldendoodles, the hybrid breed, are the most demanding puppies nowadays. They are well-known for their heart-warming and cute personalities. These puppies are a combination of the Golden Retriever and the Mini Poodle. For hybrid breeds, breeders generally use various types of methods to mix two breeds to get the desired genetic makeup of a miniature Goldendoodle.

Some of the common Mini Goldendoodle types are

  • F1
  • F1B
  • F1BB
  • F2
  • F2B
  • F2BB
  • Multigenerational Goldendoodles
  • Breaking of the Generation Labels 

Depending on the generation, the Mini Goldendoodle breed labels have a letter, a number, and an additional letter. These details will help you choose the doodle of your desire. Generation labels may be tricky for you if you are not familiar with these terms. But I will make it easier for you by explaining each term in detail. Let’s have a look. 

What does “F” stand for in Mini Goldendoodle breeding?

Before moving on to the different generations of Mini Goldendoodle, let’s discuss the word “F” before any generation type.

The word “F” donated the “Filal Hybrid,” which indicated the generation of your Mini Goldendoodle. This genetic term shows whether your puppy comes from two purebred dogs or not. Each generation’s size, coat type, and other characteristics of these puppies vary. This depends on the parent dogs that were selected by the breeder.

What does “B” stand for in Mini Goldendoodle breeding?

This letter means backcrossing. You will find the letter “B” at the end of the label of every generation type. This letter is a sign to indicate that the Goldendoodle generation was bred back with the purebred poodle.

Backcrossing is generally used to get certain desirable characteristics or features, such as a specific size, coat type, or hypoallergenic. In some cases, you may see “BB,” which shows twice backcrossing with a poodle. 

What is the number shown in Mini Goldendoodle breeding?

The number indicates the generation number of your Goldendoodle. It means that it will help you to find out what the generation of your puppy is.
For instance, if your puppy is an F1 Mini Goldendoodle, it means it’s the first generation of purebred Golden Retriever and Mini Poodle.

F1 Miniature Goldendoodle

The F1 generation is the first generation that combines 50% Golden Retriever and 50% Mini Poodle. This generation is obtained by crossing a Golden Retriever with a purebred Miniature Poodle. These Mini Goldendoodles are very friendly and loving. They are well known for their smartness and intelligence, which they got from their parents. We can also predict their characters as they are a combination of golden retrievers and miniature poodles.

The F1 generation is also known as “hybrid vigor,” as they are healthier than their parents. We can also predict their characters, as they are a combination of golden retrievers and miniature poodles. They require regular brushing and grooming because their coats range from curly to wavy. 

The F1 generation varies in size, coat type, and other characteristics. This is because they are a hybrid breed and, hence, have the characteristics of both parents. This generation is usually hypoallergenic or sheds very little, which makes them perfect for allergy sufferers. But should be avoided for severe allergy sufferers. They also vary in size and are perfect family pets. These puppies mature at 25-35 lbs and remain short in height.

Coat typeWavy to curly coat
Height14 to 17.5 inches
Size16 to 35 pounds
Lifespan11-16 years 
Exercise 1 hour daily
TemperamentEasy-going and very friendly
Hybrid vigorYes

F1B Miniature Goldendoodle

F1B Mini Goldendoodles are a blend of Mini Poodle and the first generation of Mini Goldendoodle. F1b Goldendoodle’s “b” means bred back to a purebred parent. This breed might come from a purebred Golden Retriever or Poodle. This indicates that they are genetically still the first generation. On the other hand, the qualities of the poodle or the retriever can be improved. 

The F1B Mini Goldendoodles are 75% Mini Poodle and 25% Golden Retriever. This generation is generally known for its short stature. This makes them a perfect family because they do not take up too much space. Likewise, their parents, this generation also vary in coat types. They need regular grooming and exercise. This will keep them active and healthy.

Coat typeWavy to curly coat
Height14 to 17.5 inches
Size14 to 35 pounds
EyesUsually brown
Lifespan11-16 years 
Exercise 30 minutes to 1 hour daily
SheddingVaries from low to non-shed
TemperamentFriendly and calm

F1BB Miniature Goldendoodle

F1BB Mini Goldendoodle is backcrossed with a poodle parent twice. In simple words, they are crossbred between the first-generation backcross Goldendoodle and Mini Poodle. These breeds are 12.5% Golden Retriever and the remaining 87.5% Miniature Poodle. This generation has the highest percentage of the poodle breed.

These puppies are very friendly and well-known for their smartness and intelligence. They got these characters from both of their parents. Their sizes and coats vary, just like their parent breeds. These Mini Goldendoodles are hypoallergenic, making them suitable for allergy sufferers. These goldendoodles require the most grooming because of their curly coat.

Coat typeWavy to curls (tight curls)
Height15 to 20 inches
Size14 to 35 pounds
ColorBlack, cream, red, and gold
Lifespan12 to 15 years
Exercise 30 to 40 minutes daily
SheddingVery low
TemperamentVery intelligent, loyal, and fast learners

F2 Miniature Goldendoodle

The F2 breed is the second generation, which is 50% Golden Retriever and 50% Mini Poodle. These puppies benefit from hybrid vigor, but it is significantly reduced. These breeds are well known for their unpredictable characters and are not generally produced by breeders. They are further divided into F2B and F2BB breeds. 

The F2 breed is generally healthy, but they may also encounter health issues. These may influence their lifespan significantly. Daily exercises and grooming sessions are essential to keeping them healthy. 

Their sizes and heights vary largely because of their ancestors. The second generation of puppies is the most unpredictable when it comes to coat type and hair. They come in various colors, including cream, red, and brown, due to their genetic makeup.

Coat typeWavy, curly or silky fur
HeightVaries widely:Miniature (14 to 20 inches)Small standard (16 to 20 inches)Large standard (20 to 24 inches)
SizeWeighs less than 35 pounds
Eye ColorBrown 
Lifespan11 to 15 years
Exercise Regular exercise sessions
SheddingLikely to shed some hair
TemperamentExtremely loving and affectionate
Hybrid vigorYes
Mini Goldendoodle Breed

F2B Miniature Goldendoodle

The F2b, or second-generation backcross Goldendoodle, is obtained by crossing an F1 Goldendoodle with an F1B Goldendoodle. This can also be done by crossing an F2 Goldendoodle back to a Miniature Poodle. This breed is typically 62.5% Poodle and 37.5% Golden Retriever.

In comparison to purebred puppies, the F2B Goldendoodle is a second-generation hybrid dog with a longer lifespan. Their family breeds are also hybrids, which have a longer life expectancy.

The second-generation backcross Goldendoodle is hypoallergenic because of its parent breed, the Miniature Poodle. This breed is very energetic, so it requires regular exercise. Due to their curly and wavy coat, they also need regular grooming and brushing to prevent tangling of the hair. To keep them healthy, adopting hygienic habits is an essential element. 

Coat typeWavy, curly, silky fur coats
HeightF2B Mini Goldendoodles are approximately 14 to 20 inches tallF2B Medium Goldendoodles are 18 to 20 inches tall
SizeF2B Mini Goldendoodle vary between 16 and 30 poundsMedium F2B varies between 31 and 50
ColorCream, brown, and red
Lifespan12 to 15 years
Exercise Moderate to high exercise
SheddingLittle to moderate shedding
TemperamentEasy to train and very intelligent

F2BB Miniature Goldendoodle

The F2BB generation is obtained by backcrossing twice an F2 Goldendoodle generation back to the poodle. This generation is 18.75% Golden Retriever and 81.25% Miniature Poodle. This generation is generally referred to as the multigenerational Goldendoodle, as they are the last breed of the second generation.

Among the second generation, the F2BB mini goldendoodle is the most hypoallergenic because of its genetic makeup, which primarily consists of mini poodles. They are low-shedding puppies, hence, they are perfect for allergy sufferers.

These puppies require daily exercise to stay physically and mentally active. Because of their extremely curly coat, they need moderate to very high grooming. Daily brushing and regular bathing are necessary for them. Moreover, these puppies encounter many physical health problems, so it is essential to maintain a healthy diet plan for them. Physical exercise also keeps them healthy and prevents more exposure to disease.

These puppies are slightly more expensive than other generations because they are rare compared to the lower generations.

Coat typeCurly coat
ColorVary widely
Exercise Regular exercise
SheddingVery low shedding
TemperamentFriendly, pleasant, and loving

Multigenerational Goldendoodle

Multigenerational Goldendoodles, or F3 Goldendoodles, are the third generation. They have two goldendoodle parents, which may be two F1 or F1B goldendoodle parents. Any generation, higher than the 2nd generation, is referred to as multi-generational or F3 Goldendoodles. They contain a major portion of poodles in their genetic makeup and, hence, are hypoallergenic.

The sizes, coat types, temperaments, and other characteristics of this generation vary widely depending on their genetic makeup. This generation is widely known for their hypoallergenic traits and their calm and friendly personalities.

Like other generations, multigenerational Goldendoodles also need physical and mental exercises to keep them healthy. They need moderate grooming as their coat varies from straight to curly. You need to be careful about their health. Although they are a very energetic and healthy generation, they may still encounter major health problems, including eye infections, joint problems, certain allergies, etc. Besides this, these puppies are known for their smartness, loyalty, and intelligence. They are very sharp learners, so you can train them very easily.

Coat typeStraight, wavy, and curly 
HeightToy Goldendoodle: 15 inches or lessMedium Goldendoodle: 15 to 20 inchesStandard Goldendoodle: 20 to 26 inches
SizeToy Goldendoodle: 10 to 25 poundsMedium Goldendoodle: 25 to 50 poundsStandard Goldendoodle: 50 to even 90 pounds
ColorBrown, cream, black, etc
LifespanLonger lifespan
Exercise Regular exercise
SheddingLess shedding
TemperamentOutgoing and smart


Choosing the right breed may be difficult for you. Mini Goldendoodles have a wide range of breeds and different generations that might be tricky for you. To choose the right breed, you must know about the labels such as F1, F1B, F1BB, F2, F2B, and F2BB. These labels will guide to while choosing a furry companion according to your preferences.

The sizes, coats, colors, physical appearances, and other characteristics of Mini Goldendoodles vary depending on their breed and genetic makeup. Low shedding, intelligence, easy going, and quick learners, are the features that make these puppies a perfect choice for you.

As far as we have discussed all the generation types and their facts in the above article. If you need to learn more facts, you may visit our website. Happy Reading!

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the genetics of the F1 Mini Goldendoodle?

The F1 is the first generation of Goldendoodles, generally known as Mini Goldendoodles. They are 50% Golden Retrievers and 50% Miniature Poodles.

What is the healthiest generation of Goldendoodles?

The F1 generation is said to be the healthiest generation of Goldendoodles. As they are hybrid vigor, they are healthier than their parents. They have more health benefits as compared to other generations.

What colors and coat types do Mini Goldendoodles come in?

The color and coat types vary widely depending on the generation and the parents. Majorly, they come in cream, gold, white, apricot, brown, chocolate, and red colors. In rare cases, they may be gray or copper. Similarly, coats also vary in different generations, including curly, wavy, silk furry, and straight coats.

What are the different types of Mini Goldendoodles?

The most common generational types of Mini Goldendoodle are:
Multigenerational Goldendoodles

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