Doodle & Poodles and Ear Infections - What You Need to Know

Doodles, which are a cross between a Poodle and another breed of dog, can be susceptible to ear infections. This is because their floppy ears can trap moisture and bacteria inside the ear canal, leading to inflammation and infection. Symptoms of an ear infection in a Doodle can include excessive scratching or pawing at the ears, shaking the head, and redness or discharge from the ears.

To prevent ear infections in Doodles, it’s important to keep their ears clean and dry. You can do this by gently cleaning the ears with a damp cloth or cotton ball, or using a product specifically designed for cleaning dog ears. You should also make sure to dry your Doodle’s ears thoroughly after bathing or swimming.

If your Doodle develops an ear infection, it’s important to take them to a veterinarian for treatment. Left untreated, an ear infection can lead to more serious complications, such as hearing loss or damage to the eardrum. Treatment may include antibiotics to clear up the infection, and anti-inflammatory medication to reduce inflammation and pain. In some cases, the vet may recommend removing hair from the ear canal to reduce the risk of future infections.


Have you been taking your dog to the vet often due to some ear infection? If the answer is yes, you’re on the right track to learning things about your poodle’s ear infection. Our ultimate goal is to prevent it and keep our pets away from sickness. So read on and learn more! 

Our dogs can get infected due to the shape of their ears. Poodles & Doodles are more susceptible due to the shape of their ears – their ears are prone to moisture and bacteria. 

Precautionary measures, such as checking their ears regularly, is a good step. Make sure their ears are kept dry and clean. You must know how to prevent further infections because vet visits could get expensive. In addition, no pet owner wants to see their pets suffering and feeling intense pain. 


According to Poodle Report, poodles getting ear infections are quite common. Do not panic in case your beloved pet gets one. But, make sure that you take him/her to the vet. The earlier you can get their medication, the better. This will reduce the infection from further spreading. There are plenty of reasons why the ears get infected. The following are just a few examples: 

  • bacterial and yeast overgrowth – could be caused by too much time spent on the water or if your pet has fallen into the water
  • allergens from the environment or the food they eat – the dog’s ears start to swell and get inflamed 
  • ear mites – puppies are more prone to getting this although some adults still get infected
  • parasites
  • overcleaning – regular cleaning is advisable rather than too much cleaning. Ear waxes are not entirely bad for your poodle. Too much ear wax is not good but maintaining a small amount is advisable. Ear wax prevents dirt and other debris from further entering the ear canal
  • surgery – bacteria could enter into the operated area causing infection
  • ear injury – during play, ears could be injured where bacterial infection is possible
  • wax build-up – too much wax can develop into an ear infection if left unmanaged 
  • toys/ insects and other materials entering your dog’s ears – having foreign objects inside their ears could cause infection
  • too much hair build-up around the ears – this causes blockage of air in the ear canal causing infection along the way. Take time to manage and remove those excessive ear hairs.

An ear infection could either be: 

  • Otitis Externa – an inflammation on the external area of the ear canal
  • Otitis Media – infection within the middle ear canal
  • Otitis Interna – inflammation of the internal ear canal 

* When the inflammation is so severe it could lead to: 

  • deafness
  • face paralysis


It is important to check your pet regularly. This ensures that they remain healthy and happy. Read more frequently asked questions about a pet’s medical record here. If there are changes in their behaviors, you’ll notice it right when you check on them daily. Look out for these signs, your pet might already be suffering from an ear infection: 

  • excessive head shaking
  • abnormal ear rubbing
  • constant scratching of ears
  • unusual ear discharge
  • lost of balance
  • swollen ears
  • inflamed ear canals
  • foul smell coming out from the ears
  • head tilting
  • unusual eye movements 

If you notice any of these behaviors in your pet, check in with your vet. Get your pet treated early to avoid further complications. Imagine if you have an infection and it takes days to weeks before it gets treated, it’s uncomfortable and painful. You don’t want your pet to be in that same position right? Send them to the vet right away.

If you are thinking about the cost of this visit, make sure to secure puppy insurance. That’s one less worry off your back. Medical insurance is important especially if you don’t have any spare cash to spend on your pet’s medication.


Treatment for ear infections depends on the diagnosis of the vet. Several treatments could be administered. This includes the following: 

  • antibiotics – could be applied as a topical ointment or taken orally
  • ear drop solution – to ease up the swelling and excessive pain of your dog
  • surgery – for severe cases of ear infection 

Depending on the severity of the case, treatment for infection could be short or long-term. It could take weeks before the swelling starts to ease up and months until it’s gone. 

If this is your first time dealing with an ear infection, it is recommended to seek professional advice. Checking with your vets for the right diagnosis and treatment procedure is better than trying to Google the answers. 
Chlorhexidine is prescribed to control infections. Chlorhexidine is often used as an anti-bacterial cleansing agent in the treatment of acute and chronic otitis externa (ear infection/inflammation)


As the old saying goes, ‘prevention is better than cure.’ Although ear infections in poodles are common, it doesn’t hurt to take precautions. There are plenty of ways you can prevent poodle ear infections. This includes the following: 

  •  Regular checking and cleaning of the poodle’s ears
  •  Checking and removing any dirt, debris, wax, or other buildup that could cause irritation
  • Feeding your poodles with a balanced meal that can support healthy ear tissue. 
  • Avoid too much bathing as more moisture gets into their ear canal causing bacteria or yeast. 
  • Ensure they are properly vaccinated and gets regular check-up from the veterinarian

Plucking the hair inside a Poodle’s ears is a common grooming practice that can help prevent ear infections. Here’s a general guide on how to pluck the hair inside a Poodle’s ears:

  1. Gather your supplies: You’ll need a pair of ear-plucking scissors or a specialized ear hair plucker, a small flashlight, and a styptic powder (to stop bleeding in case of accidental cuts).
  2. Prepare your dog: Before you begin plucking, make sure your dog is calm and relaxed. You may want to give them a treat or two to keep them occupied during the process.
  3. Inspect the ears: Use the flashlight to look inside your dog’s ears and check for any signs of infection, such as redness, swelling, or discharge. If you notice any of these signs, stop the grooming and take your dog to the vet for treatment.
  4. Start plucking: Gently pull the ear flap up and out, and use your scissors or plucker to remove any hair that you can see inside the ear canal. Be careful not to pluck too much hair at once, and avoid going too deep into the ear canal.
  5. Finish up: After you’ve finished plucking, use a cotton ball or cloth to gently wipe any remaining hair or debris from the inside of your dog’s ears.
  6. Monitor the ears: Keep an eye on your dog’s ears in the days following the plucking, to make sure they’re not showing any signs of infection or discomfort.

It’s important to note that ear plucking requires proper knowledge and technique to be done safely, and if you feel unsure about how to do it, it is best to seek help from a professional groomer or a veterinarian. Also, be sure to check with your vet to determine whether plucking hair from your Poodle’s ear is necessary and what specific grooming is best for your individual dog.


Visit your pet’s vet not only when your poodle is sick. But make sure vet visits are for vaccination and regular check-ups too. Seeing a vet ensures that pets get evaluated professionally. Vets are trained to provide the right diagnoses and recommend the course of treatment for your poodle’s ear infection. 

Make sure to examine your dog’s ears at least once a week. Check for any signs of inflammation and infection. Observe closely if there is. If the symptoms persist, take them to the visit the soonest. Also, make sure that their ears are kept dry. Keeping out the moisture prevents any possible ear infection. 

Overall, Doodles and Poodles are prone to ear infections because of their floppy ears, so it’s important to take preventative measures such as regular cleaning, ensuring they are dry after swims and bathing, and keeping an eye out for symptoms of infection. In case of an infection, seeking veterinary attention is important, to prevent further complications.

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